CEPRA has the skills and many years of experience in chemical risk management and environmental monitoring and provides 360° consultancy services on the topic, including the implications of the REACH and CLP regulations (hazard classification, exposure scenarios, authorisations, restrictions), such as:
- Risk assessment deriving from the presence of dangerous chemical agents with in-depth examination of the activity and compliance of the safety data sheets and drafting of the assessment document
- Evaluation of exposure scenarios (e-sds)
- Forecast evaluations in case of new activities
- Verification of compliance with the requirements required by current regulations and planning of any adaptation or improvement interventions
- Drafting of chemical agent monitoring plans aimed at assessing worker exposure and verifying compliance with limit values
- The consultancy services are supported by SAMPLING and CHEMICAL ANALYSIS activities
- FIT-TEST on respiratory PPE
Dangerous chemical agents can generate harmful effects, more or less serious (chemical burns, injuries, intoxications, sensitization, occupational diseases, death) on the organism that suffers their action, depending on the specific chemical-physical and toxicological properties, the methods of use of the same and the absorbed dose.
The assessment of risk from exposure to hazardous chemical agents in the workplace is dealt with in Title IX, Chapter I, of Legislative Decree 81/2008 and must be carried out in all work activities in which chemical agents are used, or are expected to be used, in any type of process, including the production, handling, storage, transport or disposal and treatment of waste, or resulting from such work activity.
Hazardous chemical agents to be included in the said assessment are substances or mixtures classified as hazardous under EC Regulation No. 1272/2008 – CLP and substances with occupational exposure limit value, whether intentionally used or generated from work processes.
The assessment must consider the main routes of introduction of chemical agents into the human body, particularly the respiratory route by inhalation, and the route by dermal absorption, and must make it possible to identify the level of risk to health (insignificant or not insignificant) and safety (low or not low) associated with each activity or task present in the company.
In the case of work activities involving exposure to more than one hazardous chemical agent, the risk resulting from the combination of all chemical agents must be assessed.
If a new activity involving hazardous chemical agents is started, a risk assessment must be carried out beforehand.
In any case, the assessment should be updated periodically and whenever significant changes occur.
If the result of the assessment shows that there is a risk that is not low to safety and/or not insignificant to the health of workers, then it is necessary to take:
- provisions in case of accidents or emergencies
- specific prevention and protection measures
- health surveillance
- health and hazard records.
If it cannot be otherwise demonstrated that an adequate level of protection has been achieved, it is also necessary to conduct environmental monitoring aimed at assessing the actual level of exposure and verifying compliance with occupational exposure limit values for chemical agents (All. XXXVIII of Legislative Decree 81/08).