The LAB develops and provides test and laboratory analysis for companies which have to meet REACH (Reg. 1907/2006)
The laboratory performes tests for:
- substances characterization (sameness) – UVCB – monocostituant – multi costituant
- qualitative and quantitative analysis of impurities and additives
- classification of substances and mixtures
- test
- for REACH registration dossier
- for C&L (CLP)
- Safety Data Sheets and Technical Data Sheets
- Restrictions Annex VII
CEPRA is a full solution because over tests&analysis, provides following services
- study of analysis strategy
- methods validation
- evaluation of the data (consulting)
- Research & Development (solutions)
The main methods used are official (Italian law) or international standards (APAT-IRSA-CNR, APHA, UNICHIM, ASTM, EN, ECVAM, OECD).
The labs are still able to develop appropriate methods and perform the validation processes.
The aim is to be a 360° source solution for complying with the European regulations on chemicals, REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals – Reg 1907/2006) and CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging – Reg 1272/2008).