Articles 223 and 236 of D.Lgs. 81/08 and s.m.i provide that the employer, in the context of risk assessment, assesses the risk of exposure to hazardous and carcinogenic agents.
With this aim, D.Lgs 81/08 requires the employer to take into account all available information regarding the chemical agent and working conditions.
The chemical risk assessment can be performed by mathematical algorithms / models or by personal and / or environmental sampling.
The service provides for sampling and analysis for the exposure of workers to chemical agents, environments and workstations involved.
Environmental and personal samplings are carried out according to official methods or internationally recognized standard methods (UNICHIM Methods, ACGIH, etc)
In the technical reports produced after sampling and analysis, all the conditions for sampling are reported, ensuring reproducibility and traceability.
All laboratory tests performed on the samples collected during the investigation are valid for all legal effects.
The measured exposure levels are compared with the values imposed by the applicable standards and should be determined whenever the conditions that may vary exposure to the chemical agent (amount, mode of use, changes in technologies and implants…) are changed. or periodically to monitor the exposure of workers and to verify the effectiveness of specific prevention and protection measures implemented.
Direct field measurements (microclimate, illumination, noise, electromagnetic fields) are also performed.